You have successfully signed up for the FREE
Career Mojo
5-day challenge
Five easy steps to restore your positive self-image
This challenge starts on Monday 22nd July 2019
(The email with all the details is on its way to your inbox…)
In the meantime, join the FREE Online Facebook Community, and enjoy conversations
with me and other like-minded participants in our closed group:
Change Champions –Navigating Life’s Challenges with meaningful Connections
You will have access to all the challenge videos until July 28.
What if you want to maintain your mojo after the challenge has ended?
What if you want to build your mojo in other areas of your life?
If you would like to have unlimited continuous access to the recordings, after
the challenge has ended and review the content months from now…
Secure your recordings now and keep them in your mojo library forever.
Career Mojo Recordings
Regular price $297
Now only $23
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I look forward to helping you set your intention and restore your mojo during our time together